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يبدأ منحدر mutanda الإنتاج
我的有色:嘉能可计划2022年复产刚果穆坦达铜钴矿_我 ...
2021年5月20日 Mutanda自2019年11月以 来一直在进行检修。 穆塔纳达重新启动的产量可能有助于缓解供应紧张局面,Mutanda在2019年生产了10.32万吨 铜 和2.51万吨氢氧化 2021年5月18日 LONDON, May 18 (Reuters) - Commodity trader and miner Glencore (GLEN.L) plans to restart operations at Mutanda - the world's biggest cobalt mine that EXCLUSIVE Glencore to restart operations at Mutanda copper, 2021年5月18日 Glencore plans to restart production of Mutanda, the world's largest cobalt mine and also a large producer of copper, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo next Glencore will restart the operation of the Mutanda copper-cobalt
Glencore to restart operations at Mutanda copper, cobalt mine in
2021年5月18日 Restarted output from Mutanda could help ease shortages in the copper and cobalt markets. Glencore to restart operations at Mutanda copper, cobalt mine in 2021年6月21日 [Mutanda, the world's largest copper-cobalt mine, is scheduled to restart by the end of the year and is expected to increase production by 20, 000 tons of cobalt a Mutanda, the world's largest copper and cobalt mine, is scheduled 2022年4月25日 Mutanda Mine is an open-pit mine and it is the world’s largest cobalt producer. The mine is located in the previous Katanga Province of the Democratic Mutanda Mine, Democratic Republic of Congo - Ej Atlas
Glencore says to re-start Congo's Mutanda mine towards end of
2021年6月22日 Commodity trader and miner Glencore said on Tuesday it will restart operations at the world's largest cobalt mine, Mutanda in south-east Democratic 2021年5月19日 Mutanda, DRC. GLENCORE is to reopen its Mutanda mine in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) next year, said Reuters citing a source with direct Glencore set to reopen DRC’s Mutanda copper/cobalt Feb 2 (Reuters) - Miner and trader Glencore said on Wednesday its cobalt output rose 14% in 2021, boosted by the limited restart of production at the world’s largest cobalt mine, Glencore's cobalt output climbs on Mutanda restart; sticks to 2022 ...
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